Writing text for your website can seem like a daunting task. These are some things you should consider including:
Explain very clearly what you do and what you offer. It sounds simple, but it is easy to forget. A short sentence should suffice on the home page. You can have a separate page with more details.
e.g ‘Weka Web Design provide everything you need to promote your online presence including web design and development, search engine optimisation, e-commerce websites and web marketing.’
What area do you cover, and what kind of clients/customers are you looking for?
e.g. ‘Weka Web design and build websites for a range of clients with a range of ideas and budgets. Based in Wanaka New Zealand, we design and build websites for businesses all over the world.’
Think about the problem you are trying to solve. Try to include the physical and emotional benefits you will provide.
e.g. ‘We work closely with our clients to develop a web site solution that will enhance your business and generate maximum search engine exposure.’
Tell your visitors a bit about you and/or your business. How you got started and the progress you have made. As well as being a good story, it will allow visitors to start gaining trust in you.
e.g. Having started out creating websites for startup companies in London, Amy now specialises in WordPress and Shopify platforms.
Tell people why they can trust you. Provide information such as appropriate qualifications, achievements, number of customers you’ve worked with, how long you’ve been operating and customer reviews.
e.g. With over 12 years experience in web design & development, Amy is lead web designer for Weka Web Design.
Let them know how they should contact or book with you.
A blog, news or projects page is a great way to add fresh content to your website, and keep your visitors informed on the latest in your field and/or what you’ve been up to.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) pages are also recommended by some marketing experts to help cut down ‘road blocks’ and increase the number of enquiries likely to lead to a sale. These are particularly good if you get a lot of enquiries.
It can also be a good idea to look at other related websites and see what they have included on their website.
Get in touch to find out more.